Friday, October 26, 2007

Col Idea

I really have had nothing to blog about... except for one thing. I had an idea one day. It was to make a separate blog one day and try free offers that say that they pay you and to see if they actually do. I doubt that any of them are legit, but it could be worth a shot. In order to do that, I might also have to rent a P.O. box at the post office if anything requires that I have to get mail or that I have to give an address. I thought that that would be something cool to try, but then again, there is a lot of risk out there and it would not be worth it. Watch out for the upcoming blog if it ever makes it.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

This Blog Ain't Dead Yet!

I have not blogged in forever, don't worry, I really have not forgotten, and I will get some more content up here, just chill and maybe there might be some nice juicy content up there, in the mean time, you can play Frogger or Asteroids!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I thought that i might also put up Frogger becasuse I posted Space Invaders. Enough said, now get playing!

There are alot of webcams out there in the internet, but this dude decided to take the comcept a little further and wear one on his cap wherever he goes. He even has a camcorder that he hooks up to his computer when he is sleeping. I just thought that it was a very cool concept and you can go and check out what he is doing now at

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Strange Buisness Oppurtunities

Earlier today, I was surfing the internet and I came across a website that had all of these unusual (and usual) ways to make money. There were many many jobs on that site from a chicken sexer to working at a flea market selling walking sticks.

The site is worth a few minutes of your time and is a pretty interesting read. So if you have just a few minutes, you might want to check this site out @:

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I have been playing games alot lately and who could not use a good game of frogger or space invaders every now and then?

Go ahead and play. You know you want to

Space Invaders

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Corporate Recess

Are you bored and want to find a game that you can play on the job? Well, there is a whole web community dedicated to that. Corporate Recess is a site that accepts user submitted videos on games taht they play in their offices. Some of the games are pretty cool and there is even a post from the band Bowling For Soup. Its a little silly, but I think that you willl enjoy.

Human Clock

The other day, I was just looking for some google gadgets (which I will add because we all can use a good sudoku puzzle once in a while) and I came across this one called human clock. It is a very interesting concept. For every minute of the day, there is a picture. So you get people who draw 12:00 PM on like a piece of cardboard. Some of them are creaive, it is definately worth a visit.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Halo... Halo... and more Halo...

As you can tell, I have been playing alot of Halo lately, and I have found some cool websites that have to do with Halo 2. I have even looked for some kick ass montages. I have managed to find a few that I think are really cool like gunsh0t's and the No Scope King montage.

I had searched all over the internet to find something that can track my Halo 2 stats to a more extensive level than Bungie, and I found one. The first time that I went there, their site was full and it had no room left. Then I went back a week later. It had some spots open, so I grabbed one and got an account set up right away. About an hour after that it had retrieved about 630 kills and some other stats as well. I have played for over a year, and I got about five times more kills in under a month. Although it does not track you since day one (which I would prefer not to see) it is a great site and the stats work flawlessly. If you want, go check it out at (no www. OK?)

I had also found some more websites that I thought were interesting. If you are bad at Halo 2 and you want to get your game up, then I think that I have found a site for you. At, you can get lessons from a pro and learn what you need to. The rates vary from person to person. I thought that the website was an interesting concept. The instructors are sold out too. Well, that is, every time that I go there.

One more site before I go. Halo 2's Optimatch used to have a playlist that allowed you to play clan games, but they took that off and it seems like clan games are pretty much useless, but you cn go to and find clans who need players, and even ones to challenge for money. I would pay a visit there if I were you. There are some cool stories too, like the 25 hour SWAT game.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Look at this cool Halo 2 stats sig I found

I'm Back

Hey don't worry about this blog, I have not totally forgotten about it. I just have not been able to post in forever. I'll have new stuff weekly. I am going to add some daily stuff from google like sudoku and other stuff to keep topics fresh.
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