Sunday, October 08, 2006


Have you ever looked at the back of a Coke bottle and saw that ME 5cents thing on the wrapper? Well, I was curious to see if you can really get 5 cents in states other than Maine. You do not but in other states you can get about ten to twelve cents a pound of bottles that you find or take to the recycling place. I am not sure if you can ship bottles to Maine and make money by doing that, but it seems like a recycling buisness has alot of potential depending on if you know what you are doing. Even if you need a little extra money, it might be a good idea to start saving your cans and bottles and even paper. Hey its like getting paid for throwing your trash out, but you have to organize the trash. Thats not bad at all. And I forgot to mention, you will also be conserving resources and all that good stuff, but I think that the most important word to me and you is that money word, you know the word that's symbol looks like this $$$$$$$

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